
What should I wear? Issue 01. - Presentations

Throughout your years at school, you will most likely have to give a presentation in one of your classes.  The best way to get an A is to have confidence in yourself.  For us girly girls, looking stylish and put together often allows us to have more confidence in our abilities. Here are my top 3 tips for feeling confident when the attention is put on you (and no, imagining your classmates in their underwear will only make you more nervous)!
  1. Wear flat and comfortable shoes - When you're already concerned about stumbling over your words, you should not have to worry about stumbling to the floor as well!  Heals are fun and sassy but you should leave them in your closet on the day of your presentation.  You will most likely be on your feet, so make sure you are comfortable!
  2. Tie your hair back - When I get nervous, I tend to play with my hair a lot.  This is distracting for me and for all of my classmates.  When presenting, tie your hair back into a sleek bun; it looks professional and you wont have to worry about it falling into your face!
  3. Smile - Corny, I know.  But seriously, if you look confident, you'll feel confident.  Trust me.
Want some outfit ideas for your up coming presentation? Check these out! Most of these styles can be ordered online so you wont have to worry about getting off campus to get to the mall.

Like what you see?  Leave a comment and let me know what your presentation outfits look like!

<3 Jay

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