
Good Clean Fun

We can't lie about this: alcohol is present in college.  However, you can still have fun with friends without drinking.  Here are some of my favorite alcohol free party ideas!  The are guaranteed to be a hit.

Board Game Night
Bust out the monopoly and make some finger foods!  Board games always fuel competition and always  result in a good time.  Some of my favorites include Monopoly, Cranium and Balderdash.  Playing a game with friends really shows you their personality, especially if they are competitive!  Food ideas: Pizza Bagels, Mozzarella Sticks, Cans of Soda. 

"Mocktail" Party
Let's face it.  Cocktails look sooooo delicious but adding alcohol to them can only result in trouble.  You wouldn't want to get in trouble for something as silly as having alcohol in your room.  Instead, invite some friends over and make Mocktails!  Making them is almost as fun as drinking them.  Allrecipes.com has some fantastic mocktail recipes for you to try.  Serve them with some fancy Hors d'œuvres and have some "classy" fun!

Potluck Party
potluck is a gathering of people where each person or group of people contributes a dish of food to be shared among the group. This is by far my favorite type of party!  You get to show off your creative side and you get to eat a lot. Tell your guests to make their favorite appetizer, entrée, dessert or drink.  Make sure you have an even amount of each or else you'll have a lot of desserts! Stay tuned for an article about how to make some of my favorite and easy potluck dishes.

Have Fun!!
<3 Jay

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