
Microwave Mug Cakes

In your first year at school, it will be pretty uncommon for you to have an oven in your room; however, fear not bakers! I recently read about a new quick and easy way to satisfy your sweet tooth using 2 things most college girls have in their room: a microwave and a mug. The idea? Microwave Mug Cakes! It's an inexpensive single serving cake that you make in the microwave. How cool is that?! The creator Stacey J. Miller has created a book with 101 Mug Cake Recipes. I've picked one of my favorite recipes to share with you: Chocolate Chocolate Chip. 


4 Tablespoons cake flour
4 Tablespoons sugar
2 Tablespoons cocoa
1 Egg
3 Tablespoons milk
3 Tablespoons oil

Mix flour, sugar and cocoa
Spoon in 1 egg
Pour in milk and oil and mix well
Put in microwave for 3 minutes 
Let stand for 2 minutes or until the cake stops rising
Eat right out of the mug! Enjoy!

What good would this recipe be without a really cute mug? Make sure it's microwave safe!

Did you try this recipe? Leave a comment and let us know!

<3 Jay

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