
Rain, rain, go away...

I recently ran into a friend from high school.  She's attending her dream school in Manhattan and when I asked her how she liked it she said, "I love it, but I hate walking to class in the rain."  That's the first thing she said.  True story.  Most colleges are a lot different than high schools because never again will you be dropped off in front of your building in the morning.  Walking is a must no matter the weather is.  Now, I hate the rain too but that shouldn't stop us from enjoying our college experience now should it?  Here are a few tips to help you beat the rainy day blues!

  • Dress Down : Wearing light weight sweats on a rainy day always makes me feel a little better.  Not only will you be comfy and cozy but they will dry quicker than if you wear denim.  Also, bearing leg in a skirt or dress is not the best idea when you need to walk to class in the rain.  No matter how cute you might look.. trust me, it's a bad idea! 
  • Cover Up : If you carry valuable materials in your bag on your walk to class (lap top, text books, etc.) cover them up in a plastic bag.  Chances are that rain will seep through the material of your bag no matter how hard you try to cover it up with an umbrella.  Putting your belongings in a grocery bag first and then in your school bag will save you a lot of heart ache.  Better yet, invest in a water repellant bag for rainy days!
  • Rain Gear : Every college student should invest in the following: a rain coat, rain boots and an umbrella.  Check out the following outfits I've put together...
Jacket  -  Boots  -  Umbrella

Jacket  -  Boots  -  Umbrella*
*I have this umbrella and it is AWESOME!

Jacket  -  Boots  -  Umbrella

Comments? Suggestions? Hope your rainy days are a little bit more enjoyable!
<3 Jay

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