
Themed Party Thursday - Issue 01. - Eighties Party

Here's the situation: You were just invited to a themed party and you don't really feel like buying a crazy outfit you'll probably never wear again. Fear not! By picking up just one basic item from your closet and adding a few accessories you can fit in at any themed party! Not only that, but by shopping wisely, you can wear this item over and over again. This week's issue will be tackling the infamous EIGHTIES PARTY.
THE DRESS: Any florescent dress will do. This one is from American Apparel.
THE PARTY: This dress can easily be transformed into a super retro outfit. By adding some leg warmers, fishnet stockings, converse and a denim vest, your flirty pink dress turns into the perfect 80s party outfit.

Leg Warmers - Amazon.com Fishnets - Amazon.com
Converse - Amazon.com Vest - Forever 21
HOW TO REUSE THE DRESS: A bright dress can make you stand out when going out to dinner. Instead of the eighties accessories, pair the dress with some black stockings, a cute belt and some wedges!

Tights - Amazon.com Belt - Forever 21
Shoes - Cutesygirl.com

Have you reused an eighties party outfit? Leave a comment and let us know!
<3 Jay

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